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fluid flow

Yasser Kassem Petroleum Books Collection

Who is Yasser Kassem? general manager at a petroleum company, graduated from faculty of science, class of 1988 and specialized in chemistry. Started working in oil field in 1990 at chemical laboratory carrying out water & oil analysis, and following up chemical treatments. Few years later, worked in corrosion and cathodic protection. Worked also in water injection, […]

Chemical Engineering Books

Chemical Engineering Books and Researches in this section, we will publish different books about chemical engineering in general, chemical reactors, plastics, polymers and polymer engineering, medical products, environment engineering, petrochemicals , rubbers engineering, thermodynamics, heat transfer, mass transfer. all you have to do is to choose the required book, then press Download under its name. […]

Fluid Flow part.3

جريان الموائع – الجزء الثالث أنسياب الغازات Gas Flow: أن كثافة الغازات تعتمد على تغيرات درجة الحرارة والضغط ، بينما في السوائل فأن الكثافة لا تتغير مع هذه المتغيرات بشكل كبير. لذا عند تطبيق معادلة حفظ الكتلة أو معادلة الأستمرارية في أنسياب الغازات يجب أخذ هذه النظريات بنظر الأعتبار.  معادلة الاستمرارية للغازات Gas Continuity Equation:  لإيجاد […]

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