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Crude Oil Treatment

Crude Oil Treatment   Electrostatic & Mechanical Treaters Introduction After primary oil/water separation, there is often a small amount  of unwanted salts in residual water in the crude oil that needs to be reduced to a concentration around 5-10 PTB (Pounds per Thousand Barrels) salt. This salt needs to be removed so that the crude oil […]

Surface Facilities in Oil & Natural Gas Production Part.1

المنشآت السطحية لأنتاج النفط والغاز الطبيعي – الجزء الأول Surface Facilities in Oil & Natural Gas Production Part.1 أن آبار النفط أو الغاز تنتج مزيج من الغازات الهيدروكاربونية والمكثفات، أو النفط ، والماء مع بعض المعادن الذائبة و كمية من الأملاح وبعض الغازات الأخرى، مثل النتروجين، ثاني أوكسيد الكربون (CO2)، وربما كبريتيد الهيدروجين (H2S)، والمواد […]

Natural Gas Hydrates

what are Hydrates Introduction to Hydrate Natural gas hydrates are ice-like materials formed under low temperature and high pressure conditions. Natural gas hydrates consist of water molecules interconnected through hydrogen bonds which create an open structural lattice that has the ability to encage smaller hydrocarbons from natural gas or liquid hydrocarbons as guest molecules. Interest […]

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