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Smart Instruments and Systems

Smart Instruments and Systems By Akram S. Alkhuzaie Introduction: Smart Transmitters are advancement over conventional analog transmitters. They contain microprocessors as an integral unit within the device. These devices have built-in diagnostic ability, greater accuracy (due to digital compensation of sensor nonlinearities), and the ability to communicate digitally with host devices for reporting of various process […]

process Control

Introduction to Process Control Safety regulations, stronger competition between each plant, tougher environmental regulations, and cost effectiveness have been key factors in the tightening of plant product quality specifications. The complexity of modern process plants had been increasing rapidly. As a result of this modern processes have become more difficult to operate because of the trend toward larger, more […]

Cascaded Control system

 منظومة السيطرة من نوع  Cascaded Control منظومة Cascade Control وهي التحكم بصمام واحد بواسطة متغيرين كل منهما مستقل عن الآخر، لفهم هذا النوع من منظومات السيطرة نرى الشكل أدناه ، حيث يوجد في الوعاء سائل معين product والمبين بالشكل باللون الأخضر نرغب بالحفاظ على حرارته من خلال غطاء من البخار Steam Jacket والمبين بالشكل باللون […]

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