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Author : AONG manager

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What is Vaccum Distillation?

Vaccum Distillation Written By: Souad LOUSDAD The next step in the process of crude oil separation is the vacuum distillation of the atmospheric residue that was drawn off from the bottom of the atmospheric column. Let’s start with some simple questions: Why is it called vacuum fractioning? What is the main advantage of it? And […]

what is Atmospheric Distillation?

Atmospheric Distillation Written By: Souad LOUSDAD We have already mentioned « Atmospheric Distillation” in the previous article An Introduction to Crude Oil Refining we said that it ranges with the “Separation Processes” as the first process the crude oil goes through. Before we dive in the details, let’s start with simple questions to clarify the global […]

Environmental pollution

التلوث البيئي Environmental pollution: تمهيد: المجتمع البشري بحاجة الى بيئة متوازنة من اجل رفاهيته وتقدمه حيث ان قابلية تكيف الانسان لتغير البيئة محدودة وذلك ناتج من محدودية التغير في العمليات الفسلجية في جسم الانسان ونتيجة للتطور السريع والنشاط الانساني في مجال الصناعة واستخدام مصادر الطاقة والاستخدام المفرط للمواد الكيمياوية في الزراعة والنقل ادى الى ظهور […]

Perforating Oil and Gas Wells

Perforating Is probably the most important of all completion functions in cased holes. Adequate communication between the wellbore and all desired zones, as well as isolation between zones, is essential to evaluate and to optimize production and recovery from each zone. The objective of perforating a well is to establish communication between the wellbore and […]

Heat Exchanger Arabic Learning Video

فيديو تعليمي عن المبادلات الحرارية Heat Exchangers مترجم الى العربية تعتبر المبادلات الحرارية Heat Exchangers من المعدات التشغيلية المهمة في الصناعة  بشكل عام وفي الصناعة النفطية بشكل خاص وتحديداً انتاج ومعالجة النفط والغاز الطبيعي ، حيث تكاد لا تخلو منشآة صناعية من هذه المعدة المهمة. ويمكن تعريف المبادلات الحرارية كالآتي: وهي المُعدة التي تقوم بالتبادل […]

Advises to NEW Oilfield Operator

How to Begin your first day at the oilfield facility: Clearly, as an oilfield operator ,the first day at the oilfield facility is the hardest day in the practical life, because you will be astonished of the huge facility, great number of pipelines here and there, many equipment “valves, heat exchangers, pumps, heaters, vessels, tanks, […]

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