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What are Hydrates – Arabic

ما هي الهيدرات Hydrates وما هي طرق معالجتها؟ الهيدرات Hydrates  وهي أشبه بالثلج الوسخ ، حيث تتكون من مزيج من الماء مع بعض جزيئات الهيدروكاربونات الخفيفة (غالباً ما تكون الميثان والأيثان وثاني أوكسيد الكاربون) وهي بلورات غير محكمة وتسمى هذه المادة الكيمياوية (cathrates) . ويجب توافر ثلاثة شروط لتكون الهيدرات: 1. درجة الحرارة والضغط المناسبين […]

Natural Gas Dehydration Part.1

Definition of Natural Gas Dehydration  the removal of water from natural gas by lowering the dew point temperature of the natural gas    Objective: To prepare natural gas for sale, its undesirable components (water, H2S and CO2) must be removed. Most natural gas contains substantial amounts of water vapor due to the presence of connate […]

Natural Gas Hydrates

what are Hydrates Introduction to Hydrate Natural gas hydrates are ice-like materials formed under low temperature and high pressure conditions. Natural gas hydrates consist of water molecules interconnected through hydrogen bonds which create an open structural lattice that has the ability to encage smaller hydrocarbons from natural gas or liquid hydrocarbons as guest molecules. Interest […]

Natural Gas Dehydration Part.2

PROCESS DESCRIPTION OF GAS DEHYDRATION The principle of glycol dehydration is contacting a natural gas stream with a hygroscopic liquid which has a greater affinity for the water vapor than does the gas. Contactor pressure is subject to economic evaluation usually influenced by water removal duty, required water dewpoint, vessel diameter and wall thickness. After […]

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