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Month: March 2017

Well Completion Arabic

أنواع إكمال الابار   Types Of Well Completions المهندس كاروان صابر هناك ثلاثة اصناف رئيسية لإكمال الابار الانتاجية وهي :- 1- الإكمال المفتوح Open Hole completion  : وهو الإكمال الذي تثبت فيه بطانة الانتاج فوق الطبقة المنتجة الحاوية على مواد هيدروكاربونية ( نفط ) قبل حفرها. ويتم الانتاج او الحقن في تلك الطبقة مباشرة دون تغليف […]

Oil Refinery Processes

  Process Objective: To distill and separate valuable distillates (naphtha, kerosene,diesel) and atmospheric gas oil (AGO) from the crude feedstock. Primary Process Technique: Complex distillation Process steps: –Preheat the crude oil feed utilizing recovered heat from the product streams –Desalt and dehydrate the crude using electrostatic enhanced liquid/liquid separation (Desalter) –Heat the crude to the […]

Oil Pipeline Testing Methods

    Federal minimum pipeline safety regulations that establish minimum requirements for liquid pipeline safety integrity management allow four approaches to assess pipeline integrity: 1) Inline inspection or “ILI,” often called smart pigging, 2) hydrotesting, 3) direct assesment for external corrosion, 4) an equilavelent other technology that must be noticed and demonstrated to PHMSA before […]

Industrial Boiler Design

A boiler is any closed vessel in which for any purpose, steam is generated under pressure that is greater than atmospheric pressure. It includes any economizer used to heat to the water fed to the boiler, any super heater used for heating steam, and any pipes and fitting connected to the equipment. The boiler system comprises of a […]

Natural Gas Processing

    Necessary Conditions and Goals of Processing : The types of treatments carried out on gas streams usually are: separation; – heating; – inhibition. – dehydration; – liquid hydrocarbon recovery; – sweetening. Treatment needs and objectives: The first gas treatments are temporary. Their aim is to prevent the hydrates formation and they’re classified as follows: […]

Natural Gas Markets

سوق الغاز الطبيعي یعد الغاز من مصادر الطاقة النظیفة بعد النفط ، وقد كان لایشكل الا نسبة ضئیلة من مصادر الطاقة لاتتجاوز ٠.٣ % عام ١٩٣٨ ارتفعت الآن الى ٢٤ % . وترجع حصة الغاز المتواضعة في الماضي الى عدد من الاسباب الفنیة والاقتصادیة ، كتو افر كمیات كبیرة من النفط بأسعار منخفضة مقارنة بالغاز الذي یحتاج الى […]

Detection of Oil Spills

 Oil Spills Special instruments are sometimes required to detect an oil spill, especially if the slick is very thin or not clearly visible. For example, if a spill occurs at night, in ice, or among weeds, the oil slick must be detected and tracked using instruments onboard aircraft, satellites, or spacecraft. This technology is known as remote sensing. […]

Storage Tanks Types

      Tank Types Tanks are usually described according to their function or their construction. Their function may be receiving, settling, treating, dehydrating, washing, desalinating, storing or exporting. The construction is limited to two main categories: a. Fixed-roof-tanks b. Floating-roof tanks. a) Fixed-Roof Tanks see our Storage Tanks Books section As the name implies, […]

Oil-Base and Synthetic-Base Muds

Drilling Mud Tests The field tests for rheology, mud density, and gel strength are accomplished in the same manner as outlined for water-based drilling mud. The main difference is that rheology is tested at a specific temperature, usually 120◦F or 150◦F. Because oils tend to thin with temperature, heating fluid is required and should be reported on the […]

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