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Surface Facilities in Oil & Natural Gas Production Part.1

المنشآت السطحية لأنتاج النفط والغاز الطبيعي – الجزء الأول Surface Facilities in Oil & Natural Gas Production Part.1 أن آبار النفط أو الغاز تنتج مزيج من الغازات الهيدروكاربونية والمكثفات، أو النفط ، والماء مع بعض المعادن الذائبة و كمية من الأملاح وبعض الغازات الأخرى، مثل النتروجين، ثاني أوكسيد الكربون (CO2)، وربما كبريتيد الهيدروجين (H2S)، والمواد […]

what are Emulsions

Removing water from crude oil often requires additional processing beyond gravitational separation. In selecting a treating system, several factors should be considered to determine the most desirable methods of treating the crude oil to contract requirements. Some of these factors are: Tightness of the emulsion. Specific gravity of the oil and produced water. Corrosiveness of […]

Drilling Fluid Definitions and General Functions

  Drilling Fluid Definitions and General Functions Results of research has shown that penetration rate and its response to weight on Drilling Bit and rotary speed is highly dependent on the hydraulic horsepower reaching the formation at the bit. Because the drilling fluid flow rate sets the system pressure losses and these pressure losses set […]

Life of an Oil or Gas Field

by Abass Radhi Abbas The Exploration and Production Lifecycle  There are five stages in the exploration and production ‘lifecycle’. These stages step through how hydrocarbons are discovered to what happens after an oil or gas field is decommissioned. Each stage is described below in terms of the activities, jobs, cost and time involved. There are […]

HSE in Drilling

An effective HSE program is characterized by no injury to people, no loss of property, and no harm to the environment. Great HSE performance is anindication of great leadership. It is much more than statistics, although measurements are necessary to facilitate performance improvement. HSE must be considered a core responsibility for all business participants, operators, […]

What is Crude Oil

      Petroleum, meaning literally “rock oil,” is the term used to describe a myriad of hydrocarbon-rich fluids that have accumulated in subterranean reservoirs. (also called crude oil) varies dramatically in color, odor, and flow properties that reflect the diversity of its origin. Petroleum products are any petroleum-based products that can be obtained by […]

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